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Complementary Opposites Wheel 21 segments

This colour wheel is the most complicated of the three colour wheels and is the  key to enable you to mix subtle colours.
I do not recommend that you attempt this colour wheel until
you have done the Basic Colour Wheel and the Temperature Colour Wheel. You need to have practised judging mixtures that are visually half way between two colours, before attempting this Complementary Opposite Wheel. In this wheel you will be using a hot and cold of each primary, as you did in the previous wheel, along with secondary colours out of a tube. You will be mixing small amounts of the Complementary Opposite colours with each other. This wheel has 21 segments, an odd number because there are three pairs of primary colours, a hot and cold of each, opposite three secondary colours. In other words each secondary colour is opposite to a hot and cold of each primary colour. Completing the Complementary Opposite Colour Wheel will help to extend your colour vocabulary and allow you to understand how to mix a vast array of colours, using the colours you have mixed in this wheel as a starting point. This wheel is the most important wheel as far as arriving at subtle colours and understanding a broader range of logical colour mixing is concerned.

chart c
Designed by IXM