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  about jane's colour course  

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“Jane's colour course illuminated something that's always been a mystery to me and gave me the confidence to use, mix and appreciate colour in my work and day-to-day life. It was concentrated fun and Jane's practical approach has made using colour both accessible and enjoyable”.
Emma Robertshaw, Nature conservationist and former magazine editor

“Jane’s colour course jump-started my awareness of colour.
I keenly look forward to Jane’s book being part of my tool kit and reference material.”
Nigel Worlidge, Furniture Designer

“Jane is an outstanding teacher. I had read countless books on colour theory, but through her coaching I learned skills that I now use every day in my work - ranging from recognising tonal values and efficiently mixing precise hues to cleaning my brushes so no trace of paint remains. It was a very valuable seminar”.
Patricia Swannell, 2nd year BA painting student,
The City & Guilds of London Art School

“The two days I spent at your colour workshop opened my eyes to the wonderful world made possible by an informed use of primary and secondary colours, which, as an architect, I had no idea existed”.
Peter Winchester, Architect

“I found this practical course to be invaluable. I now understand how to mix the colours I need and how to use these colours successfully. I have so many more colours at my fingertips and I now have much greater confidence in the colour decisions I make. This course is an eye opener!”
Jane Bottery, 1st year student, Open College of the Arts

“As a ceramic artist I found Jane’s colour course to be extremely exciting, it broadened my understanding of colour and allowed me to use much of what I had learnt in my own practice. There is no better way of understanding colour than to sit and mix them yourself, what you learn in one weekend is worth so much more than anything you may glean from books on the subject  and allows you to continue with it long after you have left. Jane guides you with her patience, enthusiasm and vast knowledge of this subject. I recommend anyone interested in colour to do this course”.
Sarah Scampton Ceramic Artist



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